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why do my hvac ducts make noise

Why Do My HVAC Ducts Make Noise?

Need reliable ductwork services? Call Topline Heating & Air at (717) 628-6825 today!

If you have a central air system, chances are you have ductwork. Your HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) ducts are responsible for transporting cooled or warmed air throughout your home, so it’s important to make sure they remain in good working condition. 

But if you find yourself asking, “Why do my HVAC ducts make noise?” it may be time to schedule a professional service. As Honey Brook’s trusted heating and air conditioning company, Topline Heating & Air has the team of technicians, you need to keep your HVAC system working efficiently.

We’ve seen just about every problem that can happen with ducts. If you hear rattling sounds or other strange noises coming from your home’s ductwork, give us a call. 

So what’s making the noises in your ductwork? It could be a couple of different things.

A Build-Up of Air Pressure in Your Ducts

If you hear rumbling noises coming from your ducts, the issue could be built-up air pressure causing the metal in the ducts to expand and contract.

When your HVAC unit turns on, it pushes air into your ducts and makes them expand. And when it shuts off, it slows the airflow in the ducts, which reduces pressure and restores your ducts’ original shape. You’ll often hear popping or banging sounds when you turn on the HVAC system.

Dirty Air Filters in the HVAC System

Dirty air filters are one of the most common problems people experience with their HVAC systems, which is unfortunate since replacing your air filter is pretty easy. So how exactly does a dirty filter cause ductwork noise?

If your system’s air filters have too much dirt and debris, it will affect the airflow in your HVAC air ducts, leading to different kinds of sounds. 

Ideally, you should change your air filter every fe. If you hear rattling sounds coming from your air ducts, double-check your air filters. The solution could be as simple as a routine filter replacement!

Closed Dampers and Vents

Closed dampers in your HVAC system are going to increase pressure in your ducts, causing them to make all sorts of different noises. You typically won’t hear anything if you have just one closed damper, so if you hear booming sounds or other noises, you probably have multiple closed. 

Closed dampers don’t just create annoying sounds. They can also harm your HVAC system!

When you have multiple closed dampers or vents, it puts additional strain on your HVAC system. Over time, this will cause your heating and cooling unit to work less efficiently, which could lead to a shortened working life and even increase your monthly energy bills.

Bent Flux Ducts

When you have bent flux ducts, the air can’t move throughout your home as smoothly. This also creates static pressure, which leads to noisy ducts. 

So how do you get bent flux ducts? More often than not, these are the result of a poor installation job. If you ask, “Why do my HVAC ducts make noise?” and find out the answer is bent flux ducts, you’re going to want to make sure you hire qualified and experienced HVAC professionals to fix them.

Critters in the Ducts

One of the more unpleasant reasons you could have noisy or shaking ductwork is pests. Animals like squirrels, raccoons, and rodents can find their way into your house and into the ductwork. They can even make a new home in the ducts, which becomes a serious problem for your home.

If you think you hear scratching coming from your ductwork, it’s incredibly important to call professionals right away. We probably don’t need to explain why having uninvited pests in your home is a bad idea.

What You Can Do If You Have Noisy Ducts

The good news is that you don’t have to deal with noisy ducts. You can do a few things to fix your ductwork and protect your HVAC system, such as:

  • Adjust the HVAC fan speed: Generally, if the fan is on too high a setting, it’s going to mess with the airflow and lead to noisy ducts. You can try reducing the fan speed, although your HVAC technician should have correctly calibrated it when installing your unit.
  • Install a bypass duct: Installing a bypass duct can help relieve some of the pressure in your ductwork, which is especially important for multi-zone systems. But be sure to consult a professional first to confirm that this is the best solution. 
  • Upgrade to larger ducts: Sometimes, the issue is that your ducts are too small to support the airflow coming from your HVAC system. In this case, installing larger ducts can help improve HVAC efficiency and reduce noise.
  • Get different shape ducts: Rectangular ducts are often noisier than round ones. So if you decide to replace your ductwork, consider changing up the shape.

Out of all your options, the best way to fix your noisy ducts is to hire a professional. HVAC technicians have a thorough understanding of ductwork and heating and cooling systems, so they can help you figure out the problem and find the best solution.

Reach Out to Topline Heating & Air in Honey Brook Today

Noisy ductwork is more than just annoying. It’s often a sign that something is wrong with your HVAC system, and if you don’t address it soon enough, it can become a lot worse. 

Don’t let noisy ductwork stress you out. Just call our team at Topline Heating & Air. Our highly skilled, licensed, and insured technicians are experts in all things HVAC, so we can figure out what’s causing your ducts to make noise and what to do about it. We also work with all types of systems, including central air systems, heat pumps, and split HVAC systems.

Still wondering, “Why do my HVAC ducts make noise?” Get answers to all your pressing HVAC questions by calling Topline Heating & Air at (717) 628-6825. We proudly provide the best heating and air conditioning services around!


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